Theory: 2 Hours/Week   Exercises: 1 Hours/Week  
Credits (ECTS): 5
Formal Teaching Semester: 6th
Course Level: Elective


Purpose: The course is designed to provide in students the opportunity to deal with all those issues that concern a very interesting field of computer science, the computer graphics.


Objective: Introduction to basic principles and techniques of computer graphics


Issues covered are the following:

  1. Processing systems and display graphical information
  2. Raster and vector graphics.
  3. Color models
  4. Algorithmic hierarchy processing and display of graphic information
  5. Coordinate Systems
  6. Homogeneous coordinates
  7. Basic and complex transformations in two and three dimensions.
  8. Windows and window views in terms of transformation.
  9. Clipping in two and three dimensions
  10. Views observed in three dimensions
  11. Projections in three dimensions
  12. Basic cycle generation algorithms in raster.
  13. Geometric modeling / animation of objects in two and three dimensions
  14. Adding texture to three-dimensional models
  15. Key-frame and Camera animation
  16. Lighting
  17. OpenGL, Direct-X Graphics Libraries.


Course Description

Last Changes 18/2/2017
Webmaster: Dr. Theodore Pachidis
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