Theory: 2 Hours/Week   Practice: 1 Hours/Week  
Credits (ECTS): 5
Formal Teaching Semester: 5th
Course Level: Basic, Mandatory


Purpose: The course was initially intended to present the software development process and the phases of the software lifecycle. The aim is to focus on stages of software analysis and design following the functional and object-oriented approach and to present methods for dynamic testing of the software. Finally, the course aims to study issues of software implementation and reliability and CASE tools in software development.


Objective: The course aims at students' ability to apply software engineering principles to the study, analysis, design, development, testing and installing software systems or software applications.


Issues covered are the following:

  1. Introduction to Software Engineering
  2. Software Process Life Cycle Models
  3. Agile Programming
  4. Requirements Analysis
  5. Specifications
  6. Requirements Modelling
  7. Formal Specifications
  8. Unified Madelling Language (UML)
  9. Design - Object Oriented Analysis and Design
  10. Design Patterns
  11. Software Coding and Documentation - Software Reliability
  12. Dynamic Software Testing
  13. CASE Tools - Special Issues


Course Description

Last Changes 21/4/2024
Webmaster: Prof. Theodore Pachidis
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